Versus Medicus

Płyta DVD Barral “The Hip Joint”


Availability: Na stanie


More than 40 years ago Jean-Pierre Barral and Paul Mercier started a new modality of manual therapy, called VISCERAL MANIPULATION. They were able to give new dimensions to an approach which already had its roots in the work of the pioneers of osteopathy, in the practices of early bonesetters and in methods that healers of various cultures had developed over a long period of time. Barral has published several VISCERAL, NEURAL and VASCULAR MANIPULATION books and now expands on these concepts and original techniques. This DVD introduces new ways of how to work with organs so that these interventions also effect the neuroendocrine regulation of the digestive system.

Barral introduces each technique with genuine anatomical drawings. The anatomical introductions and conceptual explanations are followed by a practical demonstration of each treatment.

An innovative approach is presented in theory and practice. The three DVDs describe the neuroendocrine effects of Visceral Manipulation in relation to the following organs and related anatomical structures:

  • the peritoneum and the greater omentum ,
  • the diaphragm,
  • the stomach, duodenum, liver, gallbladder and pancreas,
  • the small intestine and colon,
  • the osteopathic approach to high blood pressure via manual treatment of the vagus nerve.

This DVD focuses on the new approach to the treatment of the hip joint that Jean-Pierre Barral has developed in cooperation with Alain Croibier, DO. The DVD covers this subject thoroughly and from all perspectives. Its four chapters give a detailed presentation with great attention for practicability.

Every technique is introduced with the help of anatomical drawings that Barral himself created especially for this purpose. They allow us to gain an exceptional insight into the anatomical relationships that are of importance during the distinct steps of each treatment.

The first chapter is dedicated to the abductor muscles, active stabilizers of the hip joint.Also, essential parts of the fasciae, like the fascia lata, are given attention here.

The second chapter addresses those active stabilizers that serve rotation and adduction. Barral dedicates in this chapter special attention to the piriformis muscle and the sacral plexus.

The third chapter concerns active, as well as passive, hip stabilizers. Additionally, in the theoretical, as well as, the practical part of this chapter the relevant ligamentous structures are addressed.

In the fourth chapter Barral guides us through a number of innovative techniques that are relevant to the treatment of nerves and vessels.

Płyta DVD Barral “The Hip Joint”

Availability: Na stanie

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